With 20 years of experience in the field, I believe that a personal connection with each client to ensure they are a good candidate for treatment is the most effective approach to Neurofeedback training. I welcome clients to call me directly to learn about Neurofeedback and discuss treatment options.
Dr. Yvonne Tate


Anxiety & Depression
The World of neurofeedback...

Better Sleep

Reduced Stress

Our daughter was diagnosed over a year ago as Bi Polar 2, features of dependent personality disorder and substance abuse issues. Signs for her mental health problems started at 15. We did everything possible to help her with no results, sometimes making things worse. She said she could not stand her own brain. Severe anxiety, depression and an emotional mess. Medication only made her worse. Around 18 she started to self medicate with drugs and alcohol to escape her brain. Six months ago she was almost homeless, couldn't keep a job, sleep was terrible, almost an alcoholic, in abusive relationships, self harming, very suicidal and anorexic. When we met you, the QEEG scan revealed our daughter was having very mild seizures and was not actually having psychiatric problems. Today, because of neurofeedback, she says she feels like a completely different person. She has no anxiety or depression, sleeps great, has no desire for drugs and alcohol and doesn't use any and is not suicidal. She gained 25 lbs and is healthy, happy and mentally stable. She is now the daughter we raised. She is full of hope and loves life now. She went from almost homeless and not keeping a job to starting cosmetology school and excelling at her place of employment. The results are truly "too good to be true."
- Kelly H., Client Parent
October 2022

July 2023
I read my original testimony to you and started to cry for two reasons. One is that I can't believe that was our life, it was so horrible as parents. And secondly, I am so grateful that she is well now.
Since Claire has finished therapy, she has continued to grow and mature in a healthy way. We say she is thriving. She has no anxiety, depression, symptoms of bipolar, sleep issues or substance abuse problems. She has done so well in her cosmetology program that she is able to graduate early. At the salon she apprentices at, she is the number one co stylist. She is extremely responsible at home, work and school. She has healthy relationships with her family, friends and coworkers. She does consume alcohol now but in a responsible way. She uses no drugs.
Before neurofeedback, my husband and I, after much therapy, had come to terms with the realization that we might be parents who have a child that might die from mental health problems. Either by alcohol, drugs or sucided. Claire says herself that she did not expect to be alive at this point. Truly, neurofeedback saved her life. We do not think she would be alive today had we not done this program. Every chance we get we share with people her story in hopes that it will help someone else.
- Kelly H., Client Parent

Investing in Your Future
Your body emits heat, including heat in the infrared spectrum. Our patches are designed to trap this infrared energy when placed on the body, which causes them to reflect it back to stimulate specific points on the skin that can promote a general state of health and healthy activity unique to each LifeWave patch.

"I started Neurofeedback treatment training as a 38-year-old female. I was beginning to experience PMS depression each month, as well as anxiety regarding relationships and the future. I was also starting a new educational program and found myself unable to focus and study in my courses. I noticed after the first few sessions that I was able to sit and study for hours. Eventually, the PMS depression and anxiety were completely gone. It’s like my brain was finally cooperating with all the things I wanted to do and be in life and I wasn’t “stuck” in fear and confusion about what to do next. I accomplished more in the next 5 years after NFT than I had the previous 20 years put together."
Stress Treatment Client
"I had been using Ambien for 3 years to sleep. I often awoke during the night, and I did not feel rested during the day. During the first 25 sessions of Neurofeedback I was able to completely wean off of the Ambien. I began getting tired at the appropriate times in the evening, and I could eventually fall asleep without taking it. Now, if I do wake up at night, I am able to go back to sleep without medication. I also wake up feeling more rested and no longer feel fatigued during the day at work."
Sleep Treatment Client
"I am a 69 year old clinical psychologist in private practice for 36 years. Since childhood I have had anxiety with worries, some panic attacks, sleep disturbance and guilt. I have practiced many techniques including yoga, meditation, cognitive therapy, EMDR as well as having a healthy living style. All these have helped. However, after several months of neurofeedback treatment, I consistently have a great sense of well being, with a great reduction of unreal fears and guilt, great sleep, and higher productivity. I feel the best I have ever felt in my life. I am grateful to Dr. Tate for her help and expertise.""
Anxiety Treatment Client
"We brought our 10-year-old son to TRS for Neurofeedback treatment to help with severe ADHD and emotional control problems. He couldn’t control his anger and emotional reactions at home or at school with his teachers. When we came to TRS, he was taking a full dose of stimulant medication in the morning before school and would go to the nurse in the afternoon for more. We did 30 Neurofeedback treatment sessions once or twice a day for 3 weeks during a school break. When our son went back to school (with no medications at all), the teacher was so impressed with the changes in his increased learning ability and calmer emotional reactions ."
ADHD Treatment Client

Meet Dr. Yvonne Tate
With a Ph.D. from The College of William and Mary in 2008 and a Masters in Counseling from Regent University, Dr. Tate has nearly two decades of working in the Neurofeedback field. She communicates with her Clients with honesty and clarity, speaking from a depth of experience and wisdom. She has a profound respect for transparency, setting realistic expectations, and the healing that happens within Neurofeedback therapy. If your story holds anxiety, depression, sleep issues, PTSD and/or complex trauma, addiction, memory, mood, or energy issues, call Dr. Tate for a personalized Neurofeedback plan.

Yvonne Tate